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JB Nordic

Kostnadsfri konsultation

Står du inför ett val av utrustning och förbrukningsmaterial eller behöver vägledning kring dentaltekniska processer. Vi hjälper dig och ditt lab.

Like you,
we’re experts.

Knowledge-driven solutions
för tandtekniker i Norden.

JB Nordic trains and assists you in dental technical processes and provides you with industry-leading equipment and systems. Our certified dental technicians and authorized service technicians ensure that your work flows smoothly. We have the knowledge and are there when needed - through the whole journey.

JB Nordic – Kunskap

Why should you buy from JB Nordic?

It is so that you can be productive and secure, that we are an obvious partner. By having certified dental technicians and authorized service technicians, you get the highest level of training and support. We educate and prepare you at startup, assist you once you are up and running, and follow up once you have settled in.


Why should you buy from JB Nordic?

It is so that you can be productive and secure, that we are an obvious partner. By having certified dental technicians and authorized service technicians, you get the highest level of training and support. We educate and prepare you at startup, assist you once you are up and running, and follow up once you have settled in.

JB Nordic – Kunskap

Känn precision!
Beställ gratis prov

3D-printning, effektiva fräsar och digitala arbetsflöden. Vill du hålla en bettskena eller modell i din hand, och få en känsla av resultatet vår teknik kan ge dig. Beställ ett gratis prov från oss.

Kontakta oss – vi hjälper dig!